Village of Alamance issued the following announcement on Oct. 8.
Today was our second meeting at Burlington Beer Works. We are still figuring out the best way to serve the food, set up the projector, and make announcements. Today BBW served a limited menu of four selections. Once again we had a good turnout, with several guests and prospective members.
President Mary Thomas Gilbert brought the meeting to order. Brooke Carpenter led us in prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the US flag. Mary Thomas shared a meaningful quote from J. K. Rowling:
You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!
She also shared a few interesting facts regarding the Rotary Foundation, which the image at right shows.
We had no visiting Rotarians today, but several guests were on hand. Brooke Carpenter introduced Gina Miller with Wade Jewelers, who is interested in a corporate membership. Dick O’Donnell presented Yvonne Morrison with MVP Video, a downtown business. He also mentioned a second-time guest, Stephen Lewis, who also attended our last Rotary Information Session. Susan Watson introduced Kelly Hawley with the United Way, who was invited by Trip Durham. Ed Woodall presented his friend and fellow banker, Keith Strickland, with First Bank. Don Jennings introduced two guests with Coastal Conservation Association of NC, past president of the Burlington Chapter, Bud Abbott, and current president, Mike Mayse. Jim Cartner brought his lovely wife, Gail.
Micah Fox showed us the new name tags and 4-Way Test banner that we purchased from PIP Printing. He also passed around newly printed invitation cards from Sir Speedy Printing.
Next week Sang Ho Lee will have the program.
Click here to see all scheduled program dates and responsibilities.
October Birthdays and Anniversaries
7 | Brooke Carpenter | 12 | Randy and Reida Perkins |
13 | Mary Thomas Gilbert | 12 | Stuart and Betsy Sioussat |
19 | Sid Little | 21 | Mark and Carolyn Rhode |
20 | Micah Fox | 24 | Chuck and Debbie Porch |
- Mary Thomas shared that her youngest son was inducted into the National Honor Society last night.
- Sang Ho Lee recognized the fine job our police chief, Jeffrey Smythe, who was present, is doing.
Don Jennings had the program today. He is married to Beth, with whom he has two children. He has been a Rotarian since 1983 and a member of our club since 1998. He served as president when Ernest Khoury was a member. Ernest had Roy Williams speak, which was one of our best attended programs ever.
Joe Neely is the Western Regional Director of CCANC. Joe graduated from ECU. He told us that CCANC has a strong chapter in Burlington, in which several of our club members participate. CCA is a national NPO. It started with 6 or 7 people who were concerned about the destructive practice of using gill nets, which kills all the fish and other wildlife caught in them.
CCANC uses the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, which is a set of principles that has guided wildlife management and conservation decisions in the United States and Canada. It rests on two basic principles – fish and wildlife are for the non-commercial use of citizens and should be managed such that they are available at optimum population.
Thanks to proper management, many species are making a significant rebound today. Fish, however, have been viewed differently than other kinds of wildlife. Instead of putting conservation first, fishing rules have prioritized maximum harvests, which has greatly reduced the numbers of fish and other wildlife in our coastal fisheries. Joe said that other states have much stricter laws than NC, which has resulted in their fisheries being much healthier than ours.
The two pillars of conservation used by CCANC are advocacy and habitat. The group advocates for the elimination of destructive fishing techniques, such as the use of large mesh gill nets and otter trawls. Both of these harvesting tools kills untold numbers of fish and other wildlife, called bycatch. Approximately 63 billion pounds of bycatch is destroyed each year, which uselessly depopulates our fisheries.
In addition CCANC is taking steps to improve existing fisheries and waterways. As an example, Joe showed a video relating the work being done on the New River Oyster Highway. You can read all about it by clicking here. CCANC has also been a part of forming new reefs by sinking tug boats and funding research at UNC and NC State. They are also involved with restoring the coral reef at Frying Pan Tower.
Jim Cartner held the winning ticket again today but failed to draw the King of Hearts. Only 50 cards remain in the deck. Our odds are improving every week. Mary Thomas led us in the recitation of Rotary’s four-way test as we adjourned. See you next week.
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