First Presbyterian Church recently issued the following announcement.
Alternative Giving Fair— December 13, 2020, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Drive-thru Event
This Advent season, you have a choice – give the material things of the world or give the spirit of God’s love. Consider giving a fresh look at how you give during Advent with alternative giving that will help bring cheer back to the season.
Great for Adults who already have everything and would appreciate knowing that the gift given to them is providing a better life for others.
Great for Youth who are becoming more aware that their actions are connected to the world around them. Young people can make a difference in the world and proclaim the Good News of Christ at the same time.
Great for Children who need the opportunity to truly understand the meaning of giving gifts at Christmas. Give the gift of love and life to your brothers and sisters around the world.
Some of the organizations that will benefit from your financial gift include:
- Furniture Ministry
- Andrews Elementary
- Allied Churches of Alamance County
- CrossRoads
- Meals on Wheels
- Residential Treatment Services
- Women’s Resource Center
- Bright Star of Bethlehem
- Habitat for Humanity
The church office will not hold honor cards this year for you to pick up. Therefore, to receive an honor card, crèche sets or olive oil, you must come to the drive thru on December 13 to pick up what you need. You may “shop” on December 13 during the drive thru time! Print and bring your shopping list or a shopping list will be available for you to fill out.
If you cannot come to the drive-thru, you can still participate! Just fill out the shopping list attached here and mail it in! Remember to cut off the bottom part of the shopping list for your files before mailing back your shopping list and payment. Please mail by December 10 to the First Presbyterian Church, ATTN: Charlotte Nance-Allbright, 508 W Davis St, Burlington, NC 27215. Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and designate “Alternative Giving” on the memo line. If you cannot come to the drive-thru, contact Charlotte Nance-Allbright to make other arrangements to receive honor cards. Crèche sets and olive oil will only be available or pick up on December 13.
What a wonderful way to welcome the Christ child!
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