
Burlington Reporter

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Which political committee based in cities associated with Alamance County spent the most during Q4 2022?

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Committee to Elect Ricky Hurtado spent the most out of political committees within cities associated with Alamance County during the fourth quarter of 2022.

It spent $349,784 on 42 vendors during the time period.

The largest expense was for Advertisement to Amplify Media, which is based in the Chicago area.

The second largest political spend from a committee operating in a city within Alamance County during the fourth quarter of 2022 came from Stephen Ross Committee. It spent $309,429 during the time period on 21 different vendors.

The highest amount received by a North Carolina candidate in 2022 was nearly $32 million.

Political campaign financial data is often updated, leading to a sometimes incomplete picture of a committee or candidate's finances.

Top Expenditures from North Carolina Political Committees based in Alamance County during the fourth quarter of 2022
CommitteeExpendituresPaid Vendors
Committee to Elect Ricky Hurtado$349,78442
Stephen Ross Committee$309,42921
Johnson for Sheriff$111,46229
Committee to Elect Amy Galey$43,2628
Carter 4 Alamance$15,9017
Sean Ewing for North Carolina$14,21010
Friends for Ron Osborne$7,37619
Alamance Republican Party$4,0975
Alamance Democratic Party$4,0636
S Rogers New Era Campaign$2,6919
Friends of Craig Turner$1,1683
Sean Boone for District Attorney$1,0001
Lopez for North Carolina$6714
Committee to Elect Meredith Edwards$6013
Alamance Yr$5823
Alamance Democratic Women$3753
Ed Priola for North Carolina$1134